The Thaurian tradition of accompanying farmers' workload by ramping up production at the start of summer
A race of societarian with their bodies mostly covered in feathers, they resemble beaked birds.
A race of societarian with their bodies covered in scaly skin, they resemble reptiles.
The nation that preceded to the Kingdom of Thaur, before it dissolved during the High Rust
A race of societarian with bodies adapted to amphibian life, usually with smooth skin and fins.
Owner of Chariot's Merchants, the biggest surviving merchant group in Thaur
A race of societarian with their bodies separated in segments covered by an exoskeleton, they usually look like insects.
The time measuring system originated in Dhalmain and used all across the archipelago
The tetsu that united all others in Dhalmain to strike back against the societarian's advance
The all-encompasing growing encyclopaedia of the Haan Archipelago
"Would you like to order our selection of the sexiest articles and short stories? Have a look of what we have to offer!"
The famous author of The Book of Habits and Beasts, the biggest encyclopaedia
An island located between Thaur, Ruh and Dhalmain, known from its exports of teobrew beans and its secluded culture
The last queen of Merthiorn, honoured with the change of an era.
The adaptable people from the island of Thaur, previously known as the Merthiornite
The biggest forest in the archipelago, house of the biggest tree, bird and waterfall.
Majestic formations where life adapted to the inability to sustain chlorophyll-based plants
A wandering hobbyist that found love. I raise my world 70% from trying to glue together wildly unrelated ideas, 20% from roleplaying characters in videogames without anyone prompting me to do so, and 10% from mishearing song lyrics and thinking my version is definitely better.
Vulture culture (collecting and preparing bones & dead things)
The End of Evangelion, Monthy Python's The Meaning of Life
The Dragon Prince, Black Sails, Arcane
The Days of the Shadow (Liliana Bodoc), Crónicas del Ángel Gris (Alejandro Dolina), Paradise Kiss (Ai Yazawa)
Everyone of the people that wrote the Fallen London stories.
Also Neil Gaiman's works are cool.